Sunday, April 5, 2020

Blog #10: What Makes Me Happy Right Now

Hello all!! Coming to you from good ol' Glenwood, Iowa. After week two of quarantine I have found a little bit more of a groove when working on school work but I'm still not back to what my productivity was like at school. I am continuing to make progress, but my studio practice is still not back to what it was and to be quite honest I don't think it will be for a while and that is okay. I am still continuing to be creative throughout this time and that's one thing that makes me happy. My tiny community library is coming together. I am about to paint it in the next few days. I have simply been spending a lot of time outside and that makes me very happy. I enjoy being outdoors, today I went for a walk up in the bluffs. Just that little bit of exercise helped a lot. I find a lot of comfort and happiness working on different projects or just spending time with my significant other. I found a lot of enjoyment going live on instagram last week with Mikayla. I miss those everyday conversations dearly. It was also really nice that other people were interacting with us. I felt I had a little bit of my creative family back.♥️Right now I am continuing to organize as well as keeping things clean and I think that is also helping with my mood and emotional state. I sure am missing thrift shopping! Haha there will be plenty of that in the future.

I have been putting some thought into how we can be creative together recently as well. I have recently seen a lot of people making window decorations and I thought that might be something we could all do. I know Easter is coming up soon and not all of us might celebrate it, but maybe we could all decorate easter eggs together as a class. We could all just come to our zoom with a few eggs to work on or something like that. I was also thinking that maybe we could do one of those combined videos (I've mostly been seeing them with sports) where something gets "tossed" from one person to another via video and it gets combined all together. I hope that makes sense! The last thing that I thought about was an ongoing piece of art that gets mailed from one person to the next, I was thinking it could be just a piece of paper or something that can easily fit in a manila envelope and everyone would have to add to it once it got to them. I know this would take a while and I'm really not sure about logistics but I thought it might be kind of fun. I don't really have a lot of photos from the last week, but I will update with more of them in the coming weeks! Until then, hoping you all stay healthy and safe! Sending a virtual hug from me to all of you! 🤗
sending virtual hug – xoxo emma lynne


  1. I love the idea of decorating Easter eggs together. It'd be a fun idea or just a craft day, if some people would prefer a different project. I don't know how everyone feels towards the idea, but I would love to have a fun time coloring eggs from the comfort of my kitchen with the class. You had some great suggestions for staying creative together! Thank you.

  2. I love this idea of decorating eggs too! I'll send it out and see what others think! We can say bring eggs- they can be plastic, or paper or the real deal - but come ready to decorate eggs or if you'd rather- you could decorate spring flowers (if you're not into eggs).

  3. I LOVE the egg idea, 100% down. maybe we can video chat while we do it and just "hangout" tell stories or something. I downloaded the game "frankly", its a app on your phone to video chat with friends, while it asks questions, similar to would you rather. maybe we can check that out.


Blog # 12: Mindfulness and Social Emotional Learning

My new knowledge on trauma, mindfulness, and social emotional learning impacts my understanding of my future students lives and my role in ...